10 tips to avoid burnout and manage stress

Consider stress management as another part of your job description, since it’s an essential piece to realizing your full potential and performing your best. Identify the things that help you reduce your stress and incorporate them into your daily routine (i.e. make time for them during your day, even put them in your calendar).

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Stress ManagementGuest User
Get the right things done with weekly goals

Prioritize what really matters – Weekly goals force us to look beyond our long to-do lists and to identify the most critical pieces of work we need to accomplish right now. Our checklist still matters, but if it comes down to box checking vs. spending more time on accomplishing a key goal, our weekly goals help keep us on track and focused.

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Goals, PlanningGuest User
Now more than ever, your team needs you

We recently asked African conservation leaders we work with what kind of help and support they need right now. We were moved by two comments, both of which remind us that these are exceptionally hard times. While we might be more comfortable with what has become the ‘new normal,’ we need to remember to step back and take time to support ourselves and our teams. Here are some nudges and reminders that might help you support your team and yourself during these hard times.

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Lessons from Maliasili's First Ever Virtual Team (Non)-Retreat (It Worked!)

Last week Maliasili attempted something we thought we would never do - we held a weeklong online team ‘retreat’ (which we aptly dubbed the ‘non-retreat’). The main takeaway: it worked! While in-person time is invaluable, our virtual experiment was a success and so we asked our team to help us develop some top tips for effective online meetings to share with you:

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Combating Burnout

"Down, tired, stressed,” these are just some of the ways African conservation leaders described how they’re feeling these days when we spoke to them this week about ‘combating burnout.’ This is how organizational specialist Adam Grant defines burnout: “The heart of burnout is emotional exhaustion — feeling so depleted and drained by your job that you have nothing left to give.”

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