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How we work, explained | We often get asked, “what does a Maliasilli partnership and your organizational support look like in practice?” This 2-minute video explains.


Aug 2020 | Why we’re investing in local organizations

April 2019 | An overview of what we do at Maliasili

African Conservation Leadership Network

April 2019 | The ACLN is also a platform for African conservation leaders to expand their joint influence and to convene strategic thought leaders. Learn more.

New African Leadership, Sam Shaba, Honeyguide

March 2019 | Watch how Sam Shaba, now a Programs Manager at Honeyguide, Tanzania, become a leader. Learn more.

Stronger organizations, greater impact: UCRT in Tanzania

April 2016 | Learn how we've worked with the Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT) in Tanzania to strengthen their organization so that they can be more impactful on the ground.

Strengthening African CSOs for Improved Natural Resource Governance & Conservation

July 2015 | African organizations working to improve natural resource management have made great gains, but face serious challenges that limit their efforts to grow and sustain their impact. This short video provides an overview of the challenges they face and provides recommendations for addressing these issues.

Maliasili Initiatives - Investing in People for Nature

May 2015 | Skilled and committed local organizations and social entrepreneurs are the key to bringing about changes that result in more sustainable futures for people and nature. Maliasili Initiatives is a non-profit organization that supports the growth, development and performance of leading civil society organizations working to advance sustainable natural resource management practices in Africa.

Strengthening Women's Rights, Empowering Communities: Women's Leadership Forums in northern Tanzania

March 2014 | Pastoralist women are some of the most marginalized people in Tanzania, lacking property and ownership rights, access to basic social services, and the ability to make decisions about their own lives. But this is starting to change.