Organizational Tips and Tools
USAID Funding Freeze: Guidance for Local Conservation Organizations
We developed this document as a tool to help you navigate the serious challenges of the Trump administration’s funding freeze and dismantling of USAID. For local conservation organizations, the funding freeze may have ripple effects on both core operations and critical programmatic work. This document outlines key steps to help you assess the situation, adapt to the changes, and plan for the future.
Download this toolkit to:
➡️ Understand the climate crisis.
➡️ Learn simpler language and terminology around climate issues.
➡️ Discover your role, as a local conservation organization, in fighting climate change.
Communication for conservation
Use this toolkit to identify why, to whom, and how to communicate your conservation impact.
Here are the key foundations for developing a great strategic plan.
Print and stick this infographic (A4) on your wall - to help you navigate your strategic planning journey.
This workbook is designed to help you get started in thinking through core elements of the strategic planning process.
Creating Effective Annual Work Plans
A strong overarching annual work plan gives an entire organization a framework for achieving impact and results. Learn how to use this tool, download our Annual Work Plan Framework PDF.
Get things done with Weekly Goals
Follow these tips to keep your priorities in focus.
Year-End Communications
Here’s a simple framework to guide you as you develop your year-end communications.
Slack Tips and Tricks
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we love Slack! It has improved our internal communications and collaboration and is especially great for remote teams. Here we share our top tips and tricks, which some of our partners and peers are already putting into practice.
Create Core Messages
Core messages summarize what an organization is all about. They should quickly and clearly convey an organization’s purpose and work, and motivate someone to learn more. Download this handout to help you develop your core messages.
Know your Audience
To achieve your communications goals you must understand who it is you need to reach, influence and engage with. You can’t reach everyone, so be very specific and understand their needs, from what type of information they want to how they want to receive it.
Practicing Prioritization
An ability to prioritize can be what sets great organizations apart from others. Exceptional organizations set ambitious goals and regularly achieve or exceed them. This requires strong leaders who keep their teams focused on the right goals, and who manages them to deliver results.
Management Fundamentals
Management is about getting groups of people to work together to execute activities that deliver on the goals of an organization. You could distill this into 3 intertwined parts: goals, people and activities.
Foundations of Funding
To generate Resources, an organization needs to focus on: Results, Relationships and Reputation.
Building Strong Partnerships
This publication pulls together a range of resources, insights, guidance, and case studies that inform the design and maintenance of stronger partnerships between international NGOs and local CSOs in Africa and perhaps elsewhere.
By Well Grounded and Maliasili.
Strengthening African CSOs
This study aims to better understand African CSOs’ organizational needs, interests, and challenges; to explore how funders and partners are working to address those needs; and to identify opportunities for better practice and investments in strengthening African CSOs.
By Well Grounded and Maliasili.
The Backbone of Strategy
Poster: Five Basic Questions to Evaluate Your Organization’s Mission and Strategy
The Effective Board
This document defines the purpose and core functions of a board, the roles and responsibilities involved, and the key processes to ensure the board supports an organization to achieve its goals.
The Effective Board - Summary
An effective board of directors performs its core functions—governance, strategy, and resourcing—with an eye toward fulfilling the organization’s mission and meeting constituent needs.
Five questions for every Organisation
Stay focused on the heart of the matter - purpose and approach
Organizational Strategy
An overview of the role that strategy and strategic planning plays in all organizations in guiding their investments, thinking, performance, and growth.
Strategic Communications
When done with purpose, strategy, and planning, communications can be a valuable asset for any organization.