Our Portfolio
We’re building a portfolio comprising the best African conservation organizations
Associação de Conservação do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Integrado Rural (ACADIR)
ANGOLA | Building resilience for communities and wildlife in southeastern Angola.
BioCarbon Partners (BCP)
ZAMBIA | Making Forests Valuable to People
Carbon tanzania
TANZANIA | Innovative, people focused forest conservation solutions for the 21st Century
Communities Health Africa Trust (CHAT)
KENYA | Enhancing the health of people and the environment in Kenya’s most underserved communities
Communities Living Among Wildlife Sustainably (CLAWS)
BOTSWANA | Partnering with communities to find sustainable and lasting solutions that benefit people and wildlife
Coastal and Marine Resource Development (COMRED)
KENYA | Improving coastal marine resource management in Kenya
Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH)
UGANDA | Protecting Gorillas by improving local people's health and livelihoods
Community Wildlife Management Area Consortium (CWMAC)
TANZANIA | Supporting sustainable use of wildlife resources for improved local livelihoods in Tanzania
Environmental Rural Solutions (ERS)
SOUTH AFRICA | Two decades of fostering resilient natural landscapes for the well-being of communities and nature in South Africa
MADAGASCAR | Protecting Madagascar’s biodiversity and its local economy
Groupe d'Étude et de Recherche sur les Primates de Madagascar (GERP)
MADAGASCAR | Guardians of Madagascar: Protecting Lemurs, Preserving Ecosystems
Grevy’s Zebra Trust
KENYA | Conserving the Endangered Grevy's Zebra in Partnership with Communities
TANZANIA | Proving Community Conservation can work in Tanzania
l’Initiative pour le Développement, la Restauration écologique et l’Innovation (INDRI)
Uniting for Change: Advancing Madagascar's Environmental Leadership
Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC)
NAMIBIA | Pioneering African Community Conservation
TANZANIA | Co-existence and connectivity for lions across northern Tanzania
Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA)
KENYA | Leading Kenya’s Conservancies Movement
Lewa wildlife conservancy
KENYA | Protecting Species through Community Conservation, Development Programmes, and Education
Lion Guardians
KENYA | Turning people who once killed lions into lion protectors
Madagasikara Voakajy
MADAGASCAR | Preventing endemic species’ extinction in Madagascar with local communities
Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association (MMWCA)
KENYA | Protecting the Maasai Mara
Mwambao Coastal Community Network
TANZANIA | Leading Local Innovation in Marine Conservation
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organizations (NACSO)
NAMIBIA | Leading Systemic Change through Collaboration
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF)
NAMIBIA | Committed to Conservation
Pastoral Womens Council (PWC)
TANZANIA | Empowering women to improve their livelihoods, their Communities, and their Environment
Rede para Gestão Comunitária de Recursos Naturais (ReGeCom)
MOZAMBIQUE | Representative & Effective Community Conservation in Mozambique
Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association (RWCA)
RWANDA | Saving threatened and endangered species in Rwanda with the community
South Rift Association of Land owners (SORALO)
KENYA | Using Culture, Science, and Traditions to Protect a Landscape
Save The Rhino Trust (SRT)
NAMIBIA | Local action for Rhino Protection
Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association (TTWCA)
KENYA | Uniting the voice and efforts of community-led conservation
Tsavo Trust
KENYA | Giving the people and elephants of Tsavo a better future
Associaion Tsimoka
Dynamic agroforestry and ecological restoration for people and nature in Madagascar.
Ujamaa COmmunity Resource Team (UCRT)
TANZANIA | Securing Land and Resource Rights for Indigenous and Local Communities
Umoja Wildlife Conservancies Association
UGANDA | Igniting and supporting community-led conservation in Uganda
Watu, Simba na Mazingira (WASIMA)
TANZANIA | Promoting coexistence between people and lions in western Tanzania
Wildlife Conservation Action (WCA)
ZIMBABWE | Fostering harmony: Young changemakers promoting coexistence between wildlife and communities in Zimbabwe
Zambian Carnivore Programme (ZCP)
ZAMBIA | Conservation at Large