Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF)
Committed to Conservation
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) is the country’s leading organization that works at the nexus of conservation and sustainable development. NNF promotes the sustainable use of natural resources, ensuring that future generations benefit from them. To do so, they work across different thematic areas, which include: CBNRM, wildlife crime, biodiversity, seascapes, landscapes, agriculture, forestry, global environmental issues. NNF is a NACSO member and plays an important resource mobilization role for the network, and the Namibia CBNRM program as a whole.
NNF actively participates in key local, regional, national and global processes and contributes to environmental and sustainability solutions primarily within Namibia but also beyond the borders. They play an important role as the host of NACSO’s Namibia’s civil society Natural Resource Working Group; they support other conservation organizations and individual consultants to fund, manage, and implement their projects; and they also directly support conservancies to manage their resources and operations across important landscapes.
NNF has played a major role in broadening Namibia’s CBNRM focus beyond wildlife to include inland fisheries, forestry and conservation agriculture. Their fisheries work in particular has led to policy change and the establishment of a community-based management approach to inland fisheries.
CBNRM Resilience
Support to 20 Communal Conservancies and Community Forests, including covid relief payments, which helped Conservancies maintain essential services.
Better Managed Protected Areas
6 National Park Management Plans completed, Namibia's first State Forest Integrated Forest & Wildlife Management Plan drafted, support to Africa’s second-largest MPA.
Enhance Conservation Agriculture
Directly reaching > 1000 farmers, more than doubling their production and improving nutrition from 1 (Carbohydrates, grains) to 3 (Carbohydrates, Grains, Proteins, legumes, and vegetables) food groups a week.
Sustainable fisheries in Namibia
Establishment of 19 Fisheries Reserves in 7 Conservancies. The NNF supports the Community Fisheries Reserves along the Zambezi, Chobe, Kuando, and Kavango Rivers through recruitments of fish guards and monitors; video, manuals, and booklets produced for Fisheries Management.