Sam Shaba - Programs Manager, Honeyguide

Sam Shaba - Programs Manager, Honeyguide

ACLN Cohort 1

Who is someone who's inspired your leadership, and why?

Damian Bell, our ED, inspired me to be a leader, because he saw the potential in me that I had not seen myself and just pushed me to step up.

What motivates you to do your job?

What motivates me the most is seeing our organization succeeding towards our vision and growing in impact with my leadership contributions to it.

What piece of advice would you give to an aspiring leader in African conservation?

Build solid support structures around you because it will get tough and lonely sometimes and as a leader you'll have to navigate those times for yourself and for your teams. The support structures will be the people you can go to for coaching, mentorship, advice, help or just to rant off the frustrations. You will grow upwards and forwards faster and easier if you build these support systems around you if you haven't been lucky enough to just have

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