Belinda Low Mackey - Executive Director, Grevy's Zebra Trust

Belinda Low Mackey - Executive Director,  Grevy's Zebra Trust

ACLN Cohort 3

Who is someone who's inspired your leadership, and why?

I can't answer with just one name. There's Wangari Maathai, Nelson Mandela, Brene Brown, Michelle Obama, Anna Merz, and the list goes on. These are leaders who embody compassion, authenticity and courage and those are values that really inspire me. The wonderful thing about leadership growth is that we can draw inspiration from many sources, to forge our own unique path.

What motivates you to do your job?

My connection to nature and my team. They give me energy every day to do the best I can to build a healthier future for the incredible species we share this planet with, and for humanity.

What piece of advice would you give to an aspiring leader in African conservation?

Be yourself, be true to your values and find your people. We tend to put our armour on to protect ourselves around individuals who hold power in the conservation space. However, when we have the courage to be vulnerable and show up as we are, we shine brighter and have more impact. Being courageous is easier when we have our own support network with the same values as us.

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