We are delighted to be co-creating a number of exciting events at New York Climate Week

In September 2024, a diverse group of people from around the world will gather in New York City for NY Climate Week. Over 500 events focused on climate change, biodiversity, conservation, and most importantly, solutions to our global environmental challenges will take place during this week: “Climate Week NYC 2024 will provide a platform for showcasing leading climate action and discussing how to do more.”

Maliasili and our strategic partners want to use Climate Week as an opportune convening space where we can bring attention to the critical and urgent issue of improving and increasing funding to frontline community and African civil society organizations working at the intersection of climate and conservation. We will bring African voices and leadership together with funders and international NGOs for concrete and practical sessions that aim to improve funding practices and generate more enabling resources for local organizations.

Meet the partners attending NYCW

They represent outstanding local organizations from across Africa that are implementing community-led solutions to our greatest conservation and climate challenges.


Real Talk: Conservation champions ARE climate champions

Monday September 23 2024, 17:00 - 20:00
Union Square, The 5th Floor Loft , 15 East 18th St, NY, NY 10003
Invite only

Hosted by: Maliasili, Women for Environment Africa and Wildlife Conservation Network

An evening of conversation and connection with some of Africa’s most inspiring conservation and climate champions who are achieving significant impact for people and planet.

From Pledges to Practices

Tuesday September 24 2024, 10:00 - 13:00
Union Square, Suite 410,873 Broadway, NY, NY, 10003
Invite only

Hosted by: Maliasili and Synchronicity Earth

A central issue in the global climate agenda is increasing investment in nature-based solutions (i.e. nature conservation and restoration) broadly, and more specifically, in providing more funding to Indigenous Peoples and other local communities to support locally and community-led stewardship of forests and other ecosystems. There is increasing momentum for improving climate and conservation funding that flows to Indigenous and local organizations, yet thus far limited progress in shifting from major recent pledges of funding to greater sustained investment in local actors. 

This event seeks to advance progress in shifting ‘from pledges to practice’ by featuring funding models and practices that get better funding into the hands of African conservation and climate organizations working to support community-led solutions. The session includes the launch of a new report that documents progressive funding practices, such as providing more multi-year, core organizational funding for local conservation efforts. The event will also include a workshop-style session where participating funders can discuss practical measures to overcome barriers to improving funding practices.

Championing African Local Conservation: Unlocking Climate Finance for Community-Led Solutions

Wednesday 25 September - 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Javits Center, 429 11th Ave., New York, NY 10001

Hosted by: WWF, the Africa Nature Based Tourism Platform, and Maliasili partners

Local organizations are at the heart of community-led conservation efforts, offering critical solutions to global climate challenges. Despite their vital role in climate adaptation, they are often marginalized in climate finance discussions. This panel will spotlight these unsung climate and conservation heroes and explore innovative strategies to channel more funding to their initiatives. Join us to hear their stories, celebrate their successes, and learn how these champions enhance global climate resilience and sustainability.