Strategic planning
Facilitating the development of strategic plans for greater focus and clarity. Learn more here.

Building skills and knowledge around management and systems to help individuals unlock their full potential.

Advising and facilitating the development of strong partnerships, collaborations, and networks for greater influence and leveraging of resources.

Financial Management
Building organizational systems to effectively manage funds accountability and strategically.

Generating sufficient and supportive revenue by identifying needs, cultivating relationships, and securing funding.

Work Planning
Creating prioritized, realistic, and time-bound plans based on clear goals and targets.

Developing outstanding leaders who are self-aware, skilled, and capable of driving change.

Helping an organization tell its story, share its impact, and engage with its key stakeholders in a compelling way.

Allocating and managing funds to support planning and operations.

Board Governance
Strengthening board governance to oversee and guide effective organizations.

Team Development
Cultivating well-managed, dynamic, and structured teams guided by shared values and a strong culture for optimal performance and results.

Monitoring & Evaluation
Developing clarity on how interventions lead towards results and ensuring that learning and reflections inform future strategies, decisions, and plans.